I finally found some more time to work on my felting machine I got for my birthday this fall. The scene is based on the view out my studio window that over looks the nature trail. (I took the liberty of turning it into a sleigh ride trail!)
I started with a layer of felted wool, added some roving and then some more felted wool on top to make the birches.
Now I am going to be trying to learn some hand stitching techniques to add to the piece. First thing, to learn how to make a straight continuous stitch line to make an outline. Google - here I come!
I have all presents bought, wrapped and am ready for Christmas! Just a bit of straightening up the house, then I am giving myself the rest of the day tomorrow to play with the felting machine some more, I have some ideas I want to try with it. Hint: angelina, sheers, yarns and possible paper towels!
try some of the handmade papers, there textures work well with the felt