
Wednesday, January 11, 2012


The studio is pretty much done - I can't believe it. A huge, HUGE amount of thanks to Nancy Wicke for spending a week getting this done with me!

All that is left is refolding some fabric, and sorting my papers. I've spent a small fortune getting everything needed for a final organization. Hubby might be annoyed - but hopefully he will see how much more functional the studio is now. (Reading this hubby??? Stop by the studio and see my joy!)  It will help that I am putting myself on lockdown in the studio. I have an exhibition to get ready for and I will be spending my days in my studio getting it done. This leaves no time for shopping anyways.

I won't be able to share much of what I'm working on over the next few weeks - you'll have to go to the exhibit at the MQX East and West shows to see them! Hopefully I can create some time in between projects to create a little something fun to share here!


  1. It's so much more fun to create when our studios are organized and functional. Oh, if only my studio could be so neat.

  2. I'm in lockdown too Stephanie trying to get my share of the exhibit finished. I have one top to do yet and then the marathon quilting will begin. Good luck to you. Happy for you on the studio makeover.


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