Friday, March 23, 2012

Book Review: Art Quilt Portfolio by Martha Sielman

'Art Quilt Portfolio: The Natural World Profiles of Major Artists, Galleries of Inspiring Works'

By Martha Sielman

Reviewed by Stephanie Forsyth

This week I was very fortunate to receive an early review copy of this (absolutely) gorgeous book by Martha Sielman.

I have to be completely honest, it's been far too long in coming to have a book like this for fiber artists! The photographs are clear and most of them clearly show the quilting. This is a huge positive, after all they are art QUILTS!

Martha is the author of Masters: Art Quilts, Volumes 1 and 2 and is the Executive Director of Studio Art Quilt Associates, Inc. (SAQA). She has been a professional artist, author, lecturer, curator, juror, and arts administrator for over 20 years. What better person to organize an art book on quilting?

This is not only a coffee table book, it's also an educational book for art quilters. The featured quilters discuss many aspects of the creative process, from inspiration to process. It shows quilt artists the importance of committing to this art medium, as well as the necessity of working in a series.

The most important function of this book however, is that it presents art quilts to collectors and art appreciators in a professional and respectful way. It succeeds in educating both other quilt artists as well as those that appreciate art in general.

This is a book that I will be giving as gifts to quilting and non-quilting friends alike! It's also a book that I know I will page through again, and again, and again!
Lark Crafts
PB - with Flaps, 192 pages, $24.95
Publication Date: April 3, 2012

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