
Sunday, May 20, 2012

Market Recap 1

I did spend part of my time this past week, at the MQS show in Overland Park, Kansas as well as Market. We spent Friday night there for banquet and I was happy to have this:
There are things about Market, that you learn quickly.

1. The booths are GORGEOUS and entertaining:

2. You eat what you can to sustain you for the MILES and MILES of walking you will be doing:

3. Unlike a quilt show, you will likely want a rolling container of some sort. The second day of market, I left all of the clothes on my bed at the hotel and brought my luggage with to save my poor shoulders.

One of the most important factors for Market for me, was meeting people. I finally had the opportunity to meet Linda Lum DeBono in person, after being friends on Facebook for quite some time. First, she is so approachable and nice and second, she is REALLY funny! It was through Linda that I had the pleasure to meet Ebony Love of Love Bug Studios. She is the creator the Quiltspirations! Cards.

If you don't have these, go get them now before they are hard to get. I'm pretty sure these brilliant cards are going to start selling like hot cakes! There are forty cards in a deck, and each one is ready to inspire a new piece for you, guild challenge, or even some fun quick challenges at the next quilt retreat!

I also finally had the opportunity to meet in person Marianne Fons. (Can we say star struck? And I nearly fainted when she gave me a quick hug!) To top that off, I also got to meet her daughter Mary Fons. Mary's first issue of Quilty was available, and I got a signed copy! Yeehaw, this magazine is going to be fun and energetic!

Quilters can be such fabulous people!

I also spotted Jodie Davis several times, and, O.M.G. Pokey herself! (I'm pretty sure she might qualify as Elvis of the quilt world.) ( I need to quantify that with, young, healthy awesome Elvis?)

Stop by tomorrow for Market Recap 2!

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