
Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Goodbyes, UFOs and Going Forward

It’s been a long, long winter. Here in MN we have had far too many days of subzero temperatures to count, and our snowfall is already more than a normal year and we’re not done yet. 

Then this January, while I was away on vacation with the hubby, my sweet little Molly Mittens became ill and we had to say goodbye to her. I was extremely thankful for iPhones and the wonder of technology, as hubby and I got to “be present” at the vet’s via Facetime. I will forever be thankful for that. That I was “with her” and she could hear me. Anyone who knows me, knows how close Molly and I were. It is still very painful and sad for me to talk about. I love and miss her. As you might remember, we lost our Mitzie just about a year and a half ago too. Mitzie was 17, and Molly was almost 19 years old. 
Molly Mittens - My tiny soulmate. I miss you.

Molly on her pouffe and Mitzie on the couch. I miss my girls.

I am an at home studio artist and this house feels way too empty, quiet and sad without fur babies in it. We did not wait long after coming home to go and let a kitten “choose us”. Turns out, two kittens “chose us”. Sisters, Zoey and Penny Gwinn. They are now around six months old and settling in nicely. Zoey is like my shadow for most of the day, and Penny is quickly starting to warm up now. 
Zoey in front, and Penny behind her. They are around 5 months old here.
All of this left me fairly uncreative feeling throughout the last few months. So, when I was getting the studio cleaned up for a recent part and craft get together, I stacked all of my UFOs together, in my sewing “L” area. Doing so, made me realize just how much I had in progress that needed finishing. Most of them just need bindings. I decided to devote my current time to finishing up the UFO pieces and getting them out of my workspace so I can move forward. I have something like 20-30 UFOs and I am about 1/5 or so through them now. I can’t wait to have that pile GONE, DONE AND OVER WITH!

Do you have a UFO pile? Is this the year that maybe you will decide to get them done and get those monkeys off your back? It feels soooo good with each one that I finish. In fact, one of them actually sold after just being posted to my Facebook page! Great start to a new chapter in my life. 

Here are some of the UFO's I have completed so far. 
Whole cloth, inks and paints

Whole cloth, inktense pencils. SOLD. 

Batik and hand dyes, fabric paint.

Whole cloths, colored pencils on fabric.


  1. Wow, I'm IMPRESSED. That's some serious business. Wanna get a drink?

  2. Loss of a pet is glad you adopted new additions! Love your work & current UFO's are wonderful!

  3. I'm so sorry about Molly--and Mitzie too! Losing a pet is so hard. Makes me cry just thinking about it. You did the best thing--let new fur babies into your life--though I'm quite sure you already knew that!

    Your finished quilts are gorgeous!


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