
Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Planning for Surgery

Found out this afternoon that I will in fact be having surgery on April 25. It’s for a torn post-tibial tendon. They will repair the tendon, cut and move my heal bone to correct my flat foot, and will cut my calf muscle and lengthen it to fix that (apparently I was born with calf muscles that aren’t long enough for my frame, who knew?)
Bleach discharge piece - more images next time of full piece

I’m already starting to gather my thoughts for setting up my studio on the main floor so I can continue to work during the time that I’m not able to really use stairs well (if at all.) I’m already planning things I can do while I can’t easily sew - even sewing with my left foot, it would be difficult when the right still needs to be elevated.

I’ve never had a surgery before. While I am scared, I am also excited at the prospect of being able to walk pain free for the first time in I can’t recall how long. (Seriously, I really can’t remember a time I haven’t had foot pain!)
Bleach discharge piece - more images next time of full piece

I am thankful and proud that I am already planning ways to keep my artwork going. I know it will possibly be a long and difficult recovery, but I am excited at what’s at the end!


  1. Hey girl. I had my knee surgery -- both legs -- when I was 8. You can do it!

  2. Best of luck!!! Hang in there until April!

  3. best of luck with your upcoming surgery... you are planning well for it. when I had my shoulder replacement i did just as you are doing now - i kept a lot of small embroidery projects around me - i just hated the thought of not being able to sew at all while i healed. these projects kept me busy and sane and before I knew it I was able to get into my sewing room and work on larger projects. keep us updated on your progress...

  4. Stephanie, I'm picturing you being so kind to yourself in recovery and walking with such freedom when your pain is ALL gone! The best to you! Today I am celebrating driving again 15 days after my last surgery. :)

  5. I hope your recovery fast from your surgery. My son-in-law had surgery on his achilles tendon last year....hang in there, it will all be over SOON !


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