Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Quilter's Unite! A Little Girl and Her Mom Need You!

Hi people! Here's the deal, my friend and fellow quilter, Stephanie Adams is faced with asking for help for her daughter Savannah. She has started a GoFundMe campaign for her, and I will copy and paste her story here - she can say it better than I can anyways! Please consider donating something (every little bit counts people!)

We are the Adams Family and our daughter, Savannah, who is 13 y/o has epilepsy, cerebral palsy, autism and developmental delays.  Savannah was born at 25 weeks and weighed only 1 lb. 4 oz.  She has overcame many obsticles as well as made great strides but she has gotten to the point where it's hard for Wes & me to lift her into the minivan. Back in November we sent paperwork into insurance for a Bruno Valet seat.  We decided the valet seat over a full handicap conversion because Savannah can walk with assistance, can sit by herself and has great head and trunk support.  Savannah is currently in a manual wheelchair which can be carried to the rear of the minivan and that's another reason why we chose the Bruno valet seat over the full handicap conversion.  Also, because Wes's work is self insured we wanted to save them money by going with the Bruno seat which saves them $17,300.00.  Insurance states that they will cover a full handicap conversion every 3 years but they won't cover a Bruno seat which can be transferred to another vehicle that is the same make & model with the exception of paying for installation.  
Today we received the denial letter stating that under exclusions and limitations that the Bruno seat is an item for comfort and convenience therefore is not a covered benefit.  We have reached out to organizations and charities however we exceed the income guidelines. 
Our goal is to raise $8,600.00 for Savannah to get a Bruno valet seat for the minivan. Any donation, no matter how small, would be of great help. Even if you can't contribute, please share and pass along the link to others.  
Wes, Stephanie & Savannah Adams

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