
Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Masters: Art Quilts Vol. 2 Giveaway

Good morning! The Fiber Nation has a signed copy of Masters: Art Quilts Vol. 2 signed by Martha Sielman to give away!

All you need to do is leave a comment on this post telling me who your favorite quilt artist is? A mentor, someone whose work you admire, someone who you think pushes the limits of art quilting! "Anonymous" comments will not be considered - as I need a way of identifying you to let you know if you win. One entry per person.

You can leave a comment anytime from now until September 9th!


There are many blogs participating in this even, you will find the schedule below. Please don't forget to "follow" us here, and check us out on Facebook!

The Schedule:
8/16 kickoff!
8/17 Terry Grant:
8/18: Linda Teddlie Minton:
8/19: Cheryl Sleboda:
8/22: Terri Stegmiller:
8/23: Stephanie Forsyth:
8/24: Janice Paine Dawes:
8/25 Karen Stiehl Osborn:
8/26: Kathy Loomis:
8/29: Diane Lochala  
8/30: Sue Bleiweiss:
8/31: Gerrie Congdon:
9/1: Marilyn Wall:
9/2: Laura Wasilowski:
9/6: Sherryl Buchler:
9/7: Cheryl Lynch:
9/8 Deborah Boschert:
9/9: Brenda Gael Smith:


  1. Martha's book looks so awesome! I would love to own a copy. My favorite Quilt Artist is one you might not be familiar with. She is Lesley McNeil from MarveLes Art Studios ( ) I follow her blog and have been inspired by her beautiful work. Thanks for offering a copy of Masters: Art Quilt 2.

  2. My favourite quilt artist is Donna MacDonald - amazing precise work while still executing a stunning creative vision. I have learned a lot from her.

  3. I don't have a favorite, because it depends on what mood I'm in... Sometimes I like the tried and true patterns, sometimes I like picture quilts, and sometimes I like abstract...

  4. Valerie DeWeese

  5. I also love Kaffe Fassett for color.
    Velda Newman for her wonderful botanicals.
    Ruth Mc Dowell for amazing piecing & fabric choices.
    Inge Mardal & Steen Hougs for their painted masterpieces.
    Tim Harding for his unique style.
    Only one? Can't do it!

  6. My mom was making art quilts before it was "cool" and she was looked upon as strange by her quilting peers at her guild. She really came up with great ideas and eventually, others were encouraged to branch out of their nine patch box! Lol! So she is definitely my mentor, I admire her work, and oh boy, did she push the limits on art quilting!

  7. I really admire Lisa Call's work.

  8. I'm not familiar with too many art quilters but I'm very struck by the works of Terri Hancock Mangat. Her use of materials and the stories her quilts tell are pretty amazing. I really enjoyed the first volume of Art Quilts, thanks for the chance to win this!

  9. Georgia Bonesteel and Eleanor Burns. They were the two women that really made me stop and think about quilting in a totally different way. Georgia with her lap quilting and Eleanor with her strip piecing... made me realize that I can make quilts and still be really active in other areas of my life. I have quilted since I could hold a needle, but if I made every quilt the way my grandmother taught me... I would never have time for all the other things that I love :{ I choose to keep both quilting and the busy lifestyle!

  10. Kaffe Fassett is like looking at art. I love his work

  11. I was gifted the first "Masters Art Quilts" and have so enjoyed it! It is quite heavy for it's size! I have always enjoyed Faye Anderson's art quilts, and was honored to have taken classes from her. She has some wonderful art quilts out there, and her "Self Portrait" one is quite a kick!

  12. There are a lot of quilters who inspire me: Libby Lehman, Jinny Beyer, Kaffe Fassett and Mirjam Pet-Jacobs. Also Linda and Laura Kemshall. And I can name a lot more...
    gr. Marjolijn

  13. I love Ricky Tims. He is not only a wonderful quilt artist but a talented musician as well. I love his "caveman" style of quilting. A super nice person as well.

  14. There are many many quilt artists that inspire me including Dianne Hire, all of the Twelve by twelves and Wanda from Exuberant Color to name just a few. Great giveaway.

  15. My favorite would be Kaffe Fassett!
    Thanks :)
    kimberlybreid at hotmail dot com

  16. I'm a huge Elizabeth Barton Fan. Not only do I love love love her work - but I think she's a fab teacher. Her blog is just a huge blessing!

  17. I have several -- love Virginia Spiegel and Valerie Goodwin, to name only a couple.

  18. I think my favorite art quilter is Jean Wells. I have so much to learn from her about color and form.

    Thank you for the giveaway. I would love to win this book.

    wordygirl at earthlink dot net

  19. This is on my Amazon wishlist! I would LOVE to have this inspiring book :) I a big fan of Jamie Fingal. I love how she pushes the boundaries and makes such beautiful and interesting works.

  20. I love Patricia Faulkner's quilts. She works from photographs and creates absolutely wonderful pieces. Her attention to detail is amazing and she includes all sorts of little surprises in each piece. Sometimes it's beading, sometimes hand embroidery, sometimes weaving. She's a true artist.

  21. Favorite Art Quilter: currently it's gotta be Michael Cummings.

  22. I would love to add this book to my library. I don't have a favorite quilt artist. I'm inspired by all SAQA members!

  23. It looks like a great book. Thank you for the chance of winning it.

  24. I would love to win the book. Melody Johnson is my favorite quilter. I love the bright and happy hand dyed fabrics she uses in her quilts. Her blog is She makes me want to turn off the computer and start making quilts.

  25. There are lots of quilt artists I like. A few that come to mind are Terry Grant, Melody Johnson and Lisa Call

  26. Ooooh! Tough question! I love Rosalie Dace!
    Deb Sims

  27. I couldn't name just one person either!! Barbara Shapel, Pat Durbin and Nancy Price are inspiring me right now. I would love to win this book! Thanks for offering it as a prize!

  28. I would have to say every member of Front Range Contemporary Quilters in Colorado inspire me. We have an amazing group of creative people.

  29. I'm sure this book will be as good or better than the first... looking forward to seeing it..

  30. That is so hard.... I am in awe of Susan Brubaker Knapp. Caryl Bryer Fallert is amazing, Vicki Pignatelli is another one...

  31. I love Hollis Chatelain's work!! Her works are mesmerizing!!! I've had the pleasure of knowing her for nearly 10 years now and have been lucky enough to take one of her color theory classes!! She is a lovely person and talented artist!

  32. I am inspired by Paula Nadelstern's kaleidoscope quilts. Seeing Laure Murray's work reminded me of the depth of work Paula also does. I saw her exhibit in NYC and was blown away !!! Love what she creates.
    Peg LaSota

  33. I love so many of the contemporary quilt artists, but for favorites, I'd have to say my sister and mom. While unknown except for within their own quilting circles, everyone in our family had received one of their quilts at least once on a really special occasion... graduation, marriage, special birthday (like oh maybe one that ends in zero and begins with a 5!). In fact, as I type this, the one that was made for me a couple of years ago is hanging on the wall next to me. :-) Thank you for the chance to win!

  34. Well, every week I seem to have a new favorite, this week I'm admiring the complexity of Linda Colsh.

  35. This is a tough one. I like so many people's work. But I will pick Jette Clover. I love her use of color and abstract design. Thank you for this great opportunity.

  36. I just want to get a copy...then I can talk about it!

  37. There are many quilter's styles that I love, but if I can only name one, I have to go with Eszter Bornemisza of Hungary. The complexity of her work just blows me away!

  38. A copy of this book would be great... Kaffe Fassett was the one to push me over the edge to color, art quilts and beyond!

  39. I loved the first one and am excited to see this second volume. I am in awe of Sharon Schamber's quilts. I hope to take a workshop with her in the near future.

  40. While I have so many quilters whose work I love, I would say one of my favorites is Ruth McDowell. She has been on the forefront of art quilting in the pictorial division for decades and her use of color and print in her work is fascinating. Another of my favorites is Noriko Endo. While her technique is not using piecing, the intricacy of her completed landscapes is incredible. Thanks for hosting this opportunity to win one of the Master's books. I'm lloking forward to seeing all the works inside!

  41. Difficult to limit it to one person. My favorites are Linda and Laura Kemshall. If I have to limit it to one, I'll go for Laura.

  42. I don't have a "favorite" quilt artists but admire the works of many...the members of SAQA featured in this book exhibit much creative through their pieces. My Best, joni

  43. I've just discovered Mary Lou Weidman!
    I also enjoy the work of the Twelves!!

  44. Liz Axford is very inspirational.

  45. I don't have one favorite. I love the dandelion work of Brenda G Smith in the 12x12 book and the simplicity of Laura Wasilowski's quilts and the way her stitching brings them to life.

  46. Caryl Bryer Fallert is my favorite but love the inspiration of all the quilt artists blogs

  47. I have two favorites, Susan Brubaker Knapp for her wonderful art quilting and Barbara Strobel Lardon, who has a wonderful way with nature art.


  48. My favorite quilt artist is Nancy Brown. Her applique of animals is beautiful and inspiring and I hope she is included in this book :-)
    Thanks for the chance to win a copy. I would love one!

  49. I am a big fan of Esterita Austin.. I love the drama she creates in her portraits using value.

  50. It's impossible to name my favorite artist, but one of my most inspirational is Elizabeth Busch.

  51. I love the work of Beth Carney since I saw a piece of her's in Athens, Ohio several years ago. Her use of color was stunning.

  52. I really get inspired by Patsy Thompson, great giveaway!

  53. I don't really have a favorite, but I am intrigued by artists who us a lot of texture!

  54. My fav q artist is Nancy Crow. Amazing art and a great teacher. Thanks for the chance to win the book.


  55. I've been inspired by Ann Brauer, but flipping through the online Portfolio 17 book by SAQA, I have discovered many wonderful artists that are new to me and my list of favorites will be expanding as learn more about the other artists featured in that book. I'd love to receive a copy of the Masters book to learn about even more artists!

  56. I really like Pat Durbin's work. Her scenery quilts make you feel like you are there.

  57. Sus. B-Knapp at Blue Moon River is my favorite art quilter. This would be my first art quilt book should I win. Hope to have that inspiration.

  58. My blogger ID is Poppyinpink(but blogger is not allowing me to enter hence using anonymous) I hope you will be more hospitable! I have been influenced by many wonderfully gifted quilters but one who stands out for me would be Laura Wasilowski, I find her sense of humour appealing and her attitude refreshing, these qualities are reflected in her work.
    Thank-you for the opportunity to share in the fun and possibly obtain a superb book.
    grace an:


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