
Sunday, June 8, 2014

Melly's Meadowlark Blog Hop Giveaway!

I had the pleasure and good fortune to design and make three quilts for Melly's new fabric line, Meadowlark for Wyndham Fabrics, that were in her booth at Quilt Market. (Un)Fortunately I can't show you the whole quilts, because they are now magazine destined! (Woohoo!) But I can show you some in progress shots, which show how beautiful these fabrics are and how well they play with each other. Also, the tried and true test, which is cat attraction. *wink*

I was very lucky to be able to watch Melly as she went through HER design process in creating this fabric line. From hand drawings to the final fabric. I'm not ashamed to say when my heavy box of fabrics arrived to make her quilts with, I cried when I opened it and took them out. To see the transformation of them going from prints on a piece of paper that I would see via FaceTime with Melly, to holding and petting those fabrics in my hands was amazing! As an extra treat, Alex Veronelli of Aurifil was kind enough to send me a huge selection of the 12 wt variegated threads to quilt them with - their threads look A-MAZE-ING with Melly's fabrics!

Here are some random shots I took during the process:

If you know me, you know I must love Melly, cuz I actually used pins for her. *wink*

Miss Penny is a big fan of Melly's fabric!

Aurifil Mako 12 wt threads look amazing with Melly's line!

I swear these fabrics are in love with eachother!

And now my friends, YOU have a chance to get your little paws on some of this delicious fabric! Just leave a comment on THIS post, and you're in the running for a chance at winning a fat pack of the entire collection – that’s 26 10″ pieces!  I’ll use a random number generator to pick a winner and announce it here on my blog on Friday, June 13th.  If you want to be eligible to win, you HAVE to leave me a name (no anonymous) and check back here on the 13th! Good luck!
Also, keep hopping along the blog hop for more chances to win some of Melly's awesome fabrics!
Melly Testa - June 2 
Vivien Zepf - June 2 
Chrissie D - June 3 
Sue Bleiweiss - June 4
Leslie Tucker Jenison - June 5
Jamie Fingal - June 6
Lyric Kinard - June 7
Jen Eskridge - June 8
Jacqui Holmes Calhoun - June 8 (guest post)
Stephanie Forsyth - June 9
Victoria Findlay Wolfe - June 10
Teri Lucas - June 11
Scott Hansen - June 12
Helen Eckard - June 12 (guest post)


  1. I would love to win this!

  2. This is SUCH gorgeous fabric. Melanie Testa is obveously extreemely gifted. Those birds are incredible! Thanks for the chance to win some of this.

  3. What a great prize to win! Hope it's me who is lucky.

  4. Not only are the fabrics beautiful, they seem to be very comfortable as well--at least according to Miss Penny.

  5. I like the way you've paired the prints. I'm sure those quilts must be lovely to see.

  6. This fabric is so lovely and pretty!! The colours and patterns are amazing!!

  7. I am really enjoying your explanation of the use of color in Melly's fabrics..mix them all up and they always work! Pretty cool.. The fabric line is so very appealing?

  8. This is the first time in the blog hop that I've really looked at the lightest fabrics in the collection. I have been smitten with the colors. Now I'm in love with them to.

  9. I just love this fabric. I can't wait to see the quilts you made with them. Thanks!

    Please click the delaineelliott above for my email link.

  10. I love Miss Penny as much as I love the fabrics!

  11. I just get teary-eyed everytime I see that selvedge edge with "Melanie Testa". You are so right, those threads were made for Melly's fabrics! This fabric has so much love in it and for it, I swear any quilt made with it will feel like a hug from the universe. Thanks for always inspiring me and for the opportunity to add my name to the old random generator. Hugs to you and Ms. Penny!

  12. Nice fabric combination. I don't know if Miss Penny will share any of her fabrics, but thanks for the chance at the giveaway. 24Tangent "at" gmail "dot" com

  13. What a great line of fabrics!! The colors!! The designs!! Plus the Aurifil thread!!

  14. Gorgeous fabrics make a gorgeous quilt! Well, your talent may have had something to do with it!!

  15. I am so looking forward to having this fabric get to the shops!!!!! Which magazines.........may I ask.....................excited commenter here!!!

  16. This is such a great collection! I can't wait to see your quilt. Thanks for the giveaway.

  17. Love love love this line. Excited to see your quilts, can't wait to get my hands on some!

  18. I love Melly's fabrics!
    Hugs from Switzerland!

  19. These fabrics do indeed love each other - and we love them! Oh, and Miss Penny has impeccable taste.

  20. Love all of meadowlark fabric,,,also lov your kitty's

  21. I have been so excited to see these fabrics have their coming out party. They are awesome. Can't wait to get my hands on some.

  22. Such beautiful fabrics and they're calling out, "Use me! Make me into something fabulous!"

  23. Melly's fabrics are gorgeous - I love the dots!!

  24. Really unique fabric with great colorways. I dye a lot of my fabric, but love to pair it with commercial fabrics. These would make a wonderful pairing.

  25. Melanie's fabrics look like FUN. Thanks for sharing.

  26. That had to be fun making three quilts out of this very interesting fabric!

  27. wow, I would love to win that pack of fabric.

  28. Oh Yesss! I will get my hands on Melanie's fabric line. It would be great to win some! Thanks for this opportunity!

  29. I'm happy to have found you through this hop ! I would love to win a stack of Melanie's's so/sew pretty !

  30. Thank you for the chance to win Melanie's fabric. Can't wait to see your quilt in the magazines. (kind of like being in the "pictures")

  31. These fabrics are just so beatiful. And those colors!

  32. Wow I would love to have these fabrics. Thanks for the chance.

  33. I so want to make a quilt from this fabric. i want to make the zigzag quilt with the dots.

  34. Oh my, I can't wait to see the whole quilts! I love this line of Melly's. Beautiful prints and colors. From one post I read how they wash and handle beautifully. Awe

  35. Oh-ho! I know one of your projects...I saw it on Melly's is the zigzag quilt made with HSTs! I wanted to see an individual picture of that one...I am disappointed that you are unable to post one here. I really like this idea for a zigzag quilt!

  36. I am loving this fabric more as the hop goes on.

  37. I love this fabric - the spots, the leaves, all of it! Looking forward to seeing the whole quilts too. Thanks for the chance to win

  38. Miss Penny has exquisite taste. This fabric is wonderful and your photos of how you put it together are beautiful. I can't wait to see the magazine photos! And congratulations on the publication. Thanks for sharing!

  39. The fabric that Melly created is awesome. Would love to work with some.
    I really love the colors

  40. This line is just gorgeous--I think it is love at first sight for me with this fabric.

  41. Thanks for playing the blog give-away game. These fabrics are so fun and lovely!

  42. Love a chance to win some of this wonderful line! Thanks for the chance.

  43. Thanks for the chance to win. Nice work!

  44. That must have been such a treat working with those beautiful fabrics and the gorgeous threads, too!

  45. Perfecto points, but what a tease! Want to see the finished product What mag are you going to be in??? Love the fabric!

  46. I am not a pinner either ;) So I can see how precious this project was for you and love how the Aurifil looks up against those fabrics, they were made for each other.

  47. This fabric collection is lovely! Love the threads you put with them.

  48. Love this fabric collection. It is so unique.

  49. Love these fabrics, can't wait to see your quilts!

  50. I really love Mellie's new fabric line. I would love to sew something with a few pieces right NOW! Thanks for the giveaway!

  51. I love the colors in this fabric. Beautiful, especially the dots!

  52. Beautiful fabric (and kitty!). Thanks for the opportunity to let my cats sit on it as well. : ) notwendy gmail

  53. Love this fabric!


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